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Jan 26, 2010

Week 38: the waiting game and aches and pains

Ok- I just started week 38, but I'm sure this will continue :) For the past 2 days, I have gotten a bunch of unhappiness! :( As in, my lower back just aches and it won't go away! How not cool is that? I can't figure a way to get more comfortable and so I move between leaning back and sitting forward in my chair. Rocking side to side sometimes helps to.

Before, if I got back pain, if I moved or rocked, it would ease up and go away. Makes me think this is ALL baby mood related :) Now, I think that she is just so low that she is probably uncomfortable all the time and making me the same!

It's funny because every day she seems to go lower and lower. My belly looks a bit like she has also slide forward even more - like my belly is now almost 'folding' over my pelvic bone (does that make sense?). I also am getting stronger and more consistent Braxton Hick contractions. Those aren't really uncomfortable - just the very strong tightening of my stomach. I have been feeling those probably since week... 30? 32? but now they will come in groups. Kinda' fun actually because it makes me think things are moving along as they should (like I said, they don't hurt). I notice them more because they do happen more often, feel even tighter than before and sometimes afterwards like I just did a bunch of sit ups! :)

The thing that has been driving me nuts is this whole 'waiting game.' I mean, we just don't know when she will come. I'm in that zone where they won't stop labor if it starts - she is now full term! Yay! So, we are all set at home (well, I need to do some more laundry in my room and get some things out of the guest room for my mom and sister, but basically all set), but what is driving me nuts is my work.

As I have been writing on Twitter, my boss is uber supportive and is letting me work from home - THANK GOODNESS! I seriously don't know how I would do if I had to go into work these days, the way I'm feeling! Anyways, I had pretty much finished up a bunch of stuff last week and now am working on 'projects' at home (which, are basically stuff my boss and I have been putting off and now I have an excuse to do only them- blah). The weird thing to me is how to keep working, when I could in theory go into labor any day! It's just so odd and makes me feel like at some point I should just stop working... of course, then I have to use my vacation and I want to save that up because I need to use 15 days before my short-term disability starts and then I want some left over in case I want to stay home longer after that is up!

How has anyone else handled this? I think I'm going to start sending him what I have done each day; in case something happens and I go into labor... I want to make sure he gets the work! It's just so odd to me to be in this neither here, nor there situation...

Otherwise - ONLY 3 WEEKS LEFT!!! (in theory)

... I feel like she will come sooner, although I also figure every first-time mom feels that way, lol.


  1. If you are 38 weeks pregnant, you are truly coming to the end of your third trimester. It is possible to go into labor any day now, and anticipation is probably high. Moms are now experiencing even more sensitivity in their breasts, which may have begun to leak. Purchasing bra pads can help if this is the case.

  2. Getting SO close! The aches and pains are definetly there for me too. And I'm having more Braxton Hicks and REAL contractions now too. I'm ready for baby and I know you are too! Good luck to us both!

  3. @Alen Kcatic - thanks, I have read that as well and thanks for reminding me about the leaking breasts! :) lol- I started leaking maybe around week 33 if I remember right. They have been too sensitive, which is nice.

    @Bree - Eee! Good luck; I'm so excited for you and me! :)

  4. Try to avoid leaning back in a chair or a couch. I spent the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy sitting on the couch and I really think it contributed to my son turning posterior, which gave me BAD back labor and made my labor much longer than it should have been. Try to spend most of your time sitting cross-legged on the floor (tailor-style or "Indian" style). For working at a desk, the best chair, I've read, is an exercise ball -- you won't be tempted to lean back, and it will support your weight evenly. Bonus -- it's great during labor! When the baby moves down and you start to feel a lot of pressure, sitting on the exercise/birth ball will really help relieve that pressure! This is the ball I bought and used during labor -- it's AWESOME:

  5. @Rebecca - Thanks! I did read about that and have been doing that for awhile now; thankfully it comes pretty natural to me to do that anyways. I think I'm lucky because of sports I did when younger, I have a natural tendicy to stretch in ways that seem to be recomendated for pregnancy. :)

  6. Sounds like she has dropped lower into the pelvis. An exam will let you know her position, +1, 0, -1, etc. You want the (-) negative numbers! Means she's low and ready to go!! :) Also, they will tell you how efaced your cervix is (it's not uncommon to be 80 or 90% at this stage), and you may even dialate to 1 or 2 and stay that way until labor. So, you're getting there! :) As far as the pressure, well, having four, it just comes with the territory:( Try not to stay in one position for too long, but then again, that is a PAIN! (no pun intended) :) Good Luck! Can't wait to hear that she's here!!

  7. I agree with Rebecca's comment - the exercise ball really can help stretch you out and avoid the bad pain. This blog is very cool. I hope you'll be able to archive it somehow to share it with the little one when he/she is older!

  8. "Try to avoid leaning back in a chair or a couch. I spent the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy sitting on the couch and I really think it contributed to my son turning posterior, which gave me BAD back labor"--- I really wish someone told me this 2 months ago. My back is hurting to the point of pain even if I just stand up for a quick second. Doe anybody know what causes this?

  9. Nice post good to read it, Thanks for sharing this information with us.

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  11. exercise ball really can help stretch. I have read this post really helpful in pregnency


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